

Page history last edited by Steve Roberts 13 years, 5 months ago

 Video Conferencing Projects


Please see below Video Conferencing Projects. Click on the link to read the Project Brief. If you are interested in participating click on the Schedule at the bottom of the page and enter your details.








Available Projects

A Short Play     NEW!

Animal Treasure Hunt    

Animation Project            

Around the World in 60 mins       (INT) 

Art and Emotions       (INT)  

Bridge Building Project

Charades  NEW!


Cooking with Confidence Project     

Crazy Cook Along Project     

Create a Musical Instrument    NEW!

Create a Rocket

Cultural Dance Exchange       (INT)

Debate Project

Dinosaur Adventure Project   

Dress Teddy      

Early America Settlers v The Tudors Project      (INT)      

Endangered Species Project   

Fairtrade - Ask the Expert   (INT) NEW!

Famous Americans and Famous British Exchange       (INT)    

Fashion Bonanza       NEW!

Favourite Story Character Project               

Film Club Project      

Folk Dance Exchange Project             

Freds Teeth Project   

Getting to Know You   

Going on a Wolf Hunt

Guess....? Yes No Game  

Guess My Pet Project  

Guess the Historical Event       NEW!

Guess Who     NEW!

Habitat Exchange       (INT)

Healthy Chocs Project  

Healthy Menu Project  

Hide and Seek

Hong Kong China Cultural Exchange       (INT)

Improving the Environment - Litter     (INT)   NEW!

International Musical Instruments  (INT)   NEW!

Jungle Animal Exhange   (INT)   NEW!

Light and Shadow Puppet Show     

Local Landmarks       (INT) 

Loch Ness Monster     NEW!

Monster Exchange 

My School - Reflections - My First Day at New School  

Mystery Quest  Rivers   (INT)  NEW!

National Emblem Project       (INT)

Natural Disasters       (INT)

Pack a Suitcase     (INT) 

Perfect Pizzas    NEW!

Planets - Mystery Quest v Monster Exchange     

Read Around the Planet     (INT)  

Recipe Foreign Language Project    

Romeo and Juliet Character Hot Seating  

School Champion Project    

Scientific Pioneers Project       (INT)

Set Us A Challenge            

Shared Writing Project       (INT)   

Shopping List       (INT)

Snack Exchange       (INT)

Sports Day

Teddy Bear Match      

Teddy Bears Picnic   

Teddy Travels       (INT)    

Tudor Explorers   NEW!

Who Are We?

Where Am I?         




Transition Projects

PE Transition

Welsh Language Exchange Transition


Monmouthshire Video Conferencing

Monmouthshire Schools



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